14 Jan 2014

#Designer : the Delayed Dream

          Hulla guys welcome back to my blog. It has been so long for posting nothing in this blog. When i got chit chat with my friend about "What is your ambition when you were kid?" Maybe mostly of us will answer "I wanna be doctor, I wanna be police, I wanna be singer" and many creative answers. My friend told me that his ambition when he was kid is made his own game about whatever. That's interest enough, cause at my era, game PC or game online were not as popular as now.

          So, what is my ambition when i were kid? In my house, the bathroom has window that will make you can see the sky clearly. And when i got evening bath, i always looking at that and wondering if sometimes i can out of space. So that's why i interest in astronomical thing. But the thing that make me more interest is design. I think designer is cool, they can express their feeling through design. When i were in 4th grade, i like drawing kind of clothes on textbook. Then i saw my friend did the same thing like me, so i moved to draw on notebook, just usual notebook with strips. I drew so many clothing models, beginning from the casual till the gown. I expect when im adult i can be designer. So that's why i keep drawing no matter my mom told me to stop drawing and start focus on my study hehe. I enjoyed this, i can pour my creativity through design and keep my score good on study :) But dont know why suddenly my mom ripped and threw away the design that i made. My mom did it when i was in 6th grade. I was keep crying at that time. Yeah you know it was like a fat kid lost her cakes, so sad.

          But after had chit chat with my friend bout our own ambition when we were kids, it feels like i found new inspiration. It just like "We life just once. Do what you love". So 2 days ago, i did my friend's suggestion "If you feel bored, just draw". Yes I draw. Not drawing such this thing for 6 years more feel lil bit strange, but feel like "a fat kid has her cakes back", so great. Well, although the design really amateur, but this is fun :) I need about 20 minutes to finish these.

8 Okt 2013

This Brazilian Covers Songs in Bahasa

          Hulla guys, welcome back to my blog. Setelah cukup lama vakum ngeblog gegara sekarang udah mulai sibuk ngampus *etsah* , kali ini aku mau posting tentang orang Brazil yang cinta sama Indonesia. Berawal dari iseng searching song cover nya Agnes Monica di Youtube, i found something interest, yeah aku nemuin beberapa lagu Agnezmo yang dicover sama orang Brazil, dan orang tersebut bernama Felipe Valdés or shortin in Lipe. Dia lahir di kota Curvelo, Brazil pada 6 Februari 1991. Dalam videonya,  menurutku aksen bahasa si Lipe smooth banget, Cinta Laura aja kalah hihihi ( tapi dia ngakunya nggak bisa Bahasa Indonesia ). Kalo kebanyakan dari kita bangga dan merasa comfort nyanyiin lagu-lagu barat, si Lipe malah sebaliknya, kebanyakan video cover yang dia bikin adalah lagu berbahasa Indonesia. Perasaanku? Seneng campur miris lah ya hehe. Seneng karena negara kita tercintah ini udah mulai booming di internasional, dan miris karena kebanyakan dari kita malah cinta budaya lain daripada budaya sendiri. Rumput tetangga emang keliatan lebih hijau ya guys hehe. Dan sepertinya si Lipe ini sangat terobsesi sama Indonesia deh guys, liat aja apa kata dia dalam videonya di edisi Special Seassion Happy Birthday to Agnes Monica 

So... my dream is one day go to Indonesia... But I would like to know how is Indonesia by Indonesians. I know a little about religion, some rules... but I wanna know more, see pictures of places token by people who lives there... the Indo life style... culture... things you like and deslike about this country.
I imagine Indonesia must be very similar to Brazil.. places, people....
Nice to meet all you!

          Hi, I'm from Brazil and I love Indonesia

Yups, itu adalah thread kaskus pertama si Lipe ( ternyata si Lipe itu juga seorang Kaskuser lo guys, yaampun Pertamax ya gan hihihi ). Di dalam thread itu (thread satu-satunya yang dia bikin), dia menjelaskan kalo dirinya adalah orang Brazil dan sangat suka sekali sama Indonesia. Dia mengaku kalo dia ngefans sama Agnes Monica dan mencoba untuk mengcover lagu-lagunya si Agnes Monica. Dia juga mengaku kalo punya banyak teman orang indonesia di Facebook. Lipe juga bilang kalo Brazil itu mirip sama Indonesia. Nah kalo penasaran siapa sih Lipe itu dan gimana wujudnya, nih aku kasih tau deh.

ini dia yang namanya Lipe Valdés
          Dan ini adalah salah satu song cover dari lagu Muda-nya Agnes Monica yang Lipe bikin. Enjoy this one :)


          Dan kalo kalian masih penasaran sama song cover lainnya yang Lipe bikin, kalian bisa kunjungi akun youtubenya si Lipe. ( Lipe kamu berhutang ya sama aku, soalnya aku udah promosiin kamu di blog aku) hehe.

Oke guys that's all thing that i'd like to post. Selamat menikmati dan semoga bermanfaat. And don't forget to love our country and culture before they taken by other :)

2 Mei 2013

EA Hentikan The Sims Social, SimCity Social, dan Pet Society di Facebook

          Hulla guys, welcome back. Siapa yang suka ngegame? Siapa yang suka maen game rumah-rumahan, orang-orangan? Nah kalo banyak yang suka pasti tau dong game The Sims Social, SimCity Social, dan Pet Society? Itu lo game yang populer di Facebook. Sebagai salah satu penyuka game The Sims Social, ada kabar buruk nih buat kita-kita para gamers penyuka salah satu game buatan Electronic Arts atau yang lebih populer disebut EA tersebut.

          Meskipun Electronic Arts atau EA pernah menobatkan The Sims Social sebagai permainan Facebook paling sukses, ternyata itu tidak menjamin buat permainan tersebut tidak akan ditutup oleh EA lo guys.
Dan kabar buruknya adalah per 14 Juni mendatang EA akan menutup sejumlah permainan Facebook miliknya. Kali ini yang menjadi korban adalah The Sims Social, SimCity Social, dan Pet Society. EA juga mengatakan kepada para gamers yang masih mempunyai Simoleons atau sebutan Uang dalam permainan tersebut untuk menghabiskannya sebelum permainan tersebut ditutup. Hal ini dilakukan oleh EA untuk menata ulang server dan sumber daya untuk membuat permainan baru yang lebih populer. Menurut sumber, beberapa bulan terakhir ini EA memang sedang terpuruk. Hingga CEO mereka, John Riccitiello mengundurkan diri pada bulan Maret lalu karena merasa bersalah atas kemunduran finansial perusahaannya itu. Kalian bisa baca disini. Bahkan, EA juga sempat dinobatkan sebagai perusahaan terburuk di Amerika Serikat selama dua tahun berturut-turut lo.

          Kita liat aja game apa selanjutnya yang akan dibuat oleh EA untuk para gamers :) Jadi, sudah siap bilang selamat tinggal pada mereka?

sumber :

24 Apr 2013

Me on Typograph

          Hulla guys meet again with me, after long-long time not do blogging, finally im back(?)
Few days ago in my spare time when im doing nothing, i learn 'bout typograph using Pop Art for fun. And my first creation is i make myself on typo. As a newbe on popart and typograph, i think it's fun enough, you can create, edit, and many more, and make real what's on your brain and imagination. But pity, i don't know how to erase or at least dissapear the background become transparent, so it must be wwwxxxx on its baground *bZzz

          Umm guys, now i'll show you my first typograph creation, although it's not good, at least it's not bad hehehe. I named it "Me on Typograph"

I named it "Me on Typograph"

20 Mar 2013

How to Put Twitter Widget on Your Blog

         Hulla guys, now i'll share tutorial bout How to Put Twitter Widget on Your Blog. It's simple enough, just follow the steps :

  1. First login to your Twitter Account.
  2. Then go to Setting, choose Widget option or click this link http://twitter.com/about/resources/widgets/widget_profile
  3. Then you'll see like this.

    Customize content, click Save, copy the Code
  4. Adjust the content whatever you want, and don't forget to enter your blog site. After that, click Save.
  5. Copy the code, login to your Blog Account, make New Widget, then paste on it.
    Look what's happen after :)
Result of the step :)

          It's simple and easy, right? Good luck :))