24 Apr 2013

Me on Typograph

          Hulla guys meet again with me, after long-long time not do blogging, finally im back(?)
Few days ago in my spare time when im doing nothing, i learn 'bout typograph using Pop Art for fun. And my first creation is i make myself on typo. As a newbe on popart and typograph, i think it's fun enough, you can create, edit, and many more, and make real what's on your brain and imagination. But pity, i don't know how to erase or at least dissapear the background become transparent, so it must be wwwxxxx on its baground *bZzz

          Umm guys, now i'll show you my first typograph creation, although it's not good, at least it's not bad hehehe. I named it "Me on Typograph"

I named it "Me on Typograph"