20 Mar 2013

How to Put Twitter Widget on Your Blog

         Hulla guys, now i'll share tutorial bout How to Put Twitter Widget on Your Blog. It's simple enough, just follow the steps :

  1. First login to your Twitter Account.
  2. Then go to Setting, choose Widget option or click this link http://twitter.com/about/resources/widgets/widget_profile
  3. Then you'll see like this.

    Customize content, click Save, copy the Code
  4. Adjust the content whatever you want, and don't forget to enter your blog site. After that, click Save.
  5. Copy the code, login to your Blog Account, make New Widget, then paste on it.
    Look what's happen after :)
Result of the step :)

          It's simple and easy, right? Good luck :))

15 Mar 2013

Fix You

          Why Fix You? Yeaa ... you should be fixed actually dude. It's too long for ya stay in ma mind, ma heart, and ma soul(?) You make me admire you more and more like a crazy one, till one day i wake up and realize, when i admire you more, it's not bring any benefits to maself actually. So, the thing that i should do is "Fix You".

          And this's one of ma fav song from Coldplay which the video cover i took from Lizzy King's Youtube Account *thanks Lizzy, you're amazing ♥
And this's for you, represent thousands of my unspoken words, enjoy this one ♥

13 Mar 2013

Dufan : Do so Much Fun, Yell Out, Laugh Loud

         Hulla guys, berasa udah lama banget ya enggak update ini blog, udah banyak sarang walet aja nih hihi. Kali ini aku mau sharing cerita pengalaman maen ke Dufan waktu psg di Jakarta 3 bulan taun kemaren. Oke, jadi kamis 13 Desember 2012 aku, Bibim, Via, sama mas Peri jalan-jalan ke Dufan. Awalnya sih cuma aku, Bibim, sama Via doang yang punya rencana buat ke sana akhir bulan waktu psg, eee tapi engga tau kesambet apa tiba-tiba mas Peri, salah satu karyawan di tempat aku psg nawarin bantuan buat nganterin kita ke  sana ^^ *big thanks buat mas Peri*

          Singkat cerita, kita yang udah mayan lama di Jekardah ( 3 bulan itu lama lo guys ) masak maennya nge-mall melulu, kan bosen, terus belom pernah maen ke Dufan pula, ciyan banget gitu ya(?) Nah, maka dari itu kita bertiga planning rencana buat gimana caranya sebelum balik ke Malang dan berkutat dengan seabrek pelajaran, kita harus bisa yaaa paling kagak maen ke Ancolnya lah ye hihi.

          Menindaklanjuti hajat kita bertiga, kita pun browsing-browsing di internet,